“The World of Prayer” MIWA KOMATSU


2018.09.02 - 2018.09.30
Karuizawa New Art Museum
Exhibition Room (2nd Floor)

Open Hours
* Enter by 30 minutes before close
Tuesday (No holidays in August)
General admission: ¥1000,
Visitors over the age of 65, high school and university students: ¥800,
Primary and secondary students: ¥500,
* ¥300 discount from above fees for groups over 20 people
* Preschool children, Disabled : Free, discount for an attendant (half of above fees)
Contact Information
Karuizawa New Art Museum
Tel. 0267-46-8691
Exhibition Section

About the Exhibition

Miwa Komatsu is the most promising young artist in Asia today. This show exhibits almost one hundred paintings including The Forty-Ninth Day, which is the origin of the artist’s career, Guardian Lion Dog, the ink painting currently enjoying a stellar reputation, and the work shown on film “Flower and Sword”, yet-to-be-announced works in Japan as well as live performances in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, New York, and Dallas, in addition to more new works. The artist is scheduled to do a live painting on September 2nd, 2018, and the live painting will be displayed till the end of the exhibition, so that the visitors can enjoy its realistic sense. In addition, photography that has captured the turning points of her life, such as the moment when her work was added to British Museum’s collection, the stage where she was awarded the Young Artist of the Year at the Tian Gala 2017 and so on, will be displayed at the exhibition. We cordially invite you to enjoy Miwa Komatsu’s first solo exhibition in a museum since her solo show at the Ueda City Museum of Art in 2014.

現在亞洲最受矚目的年輕藝術家小松美羽的最新個展。本次展覽中將展出她成為專職藝術家契機的銅版畫作品「四十九日」,以及蒙獲大英博物館典藏的狛犬(作家保存版)、電影「花戰」中頗受好評的水墨畫、引爆世人關注的現場創作表演作品等,並集結未曾在日本發表,收藏於香港、台灣、新加坡、紐約、達拉斯等地的畫作,再加上2018年新作,近100件將齊聚一堂,一舉呈現眼前。 9月2日開幕當日小松美羽將在美術館進行現場創作表演,所創作出的作品將於展期中原封不動地展示,使參觀者能感受其臨場感。除此之外,展場中,亦將以多張照片介紹藝術家創作路程轉捩點的大英博物館作品收藏時況、以及獲頒北京「Tina Gala 2017 華生:天辰之夜」年度新銳藝術家時的現場。小松美羽自2014年於上田市立美術的個展以來,睽違4年於美術館展開個展,敬請蒞臨參觀。


LIVE Performance
Performer : Miwa Komatsu
Date/time : September 2, 14:00 – 15:00



Born in Nagano in 1984. In her childhood, Komatsu had close contact with many living natures thanks to the rich natural environment: the experience of being present at their final moment led the artist to form her unique view of life and death, which linked to the peculiar style toward the beauty of death. Komatsu began copperplate engraving after entering Joshibi College of Art and Design. At the age of around 20, the work The Fourty- nineth day was appraised with its originality and it opened the way to be a professional painter.
Komatsu was appointed to the G7 Transport Ministers’ meeting at Nagano in 2016. Her works were displayed at New York in November, and the work is added to the collection of the World Trade Centre.
Starting from copperplate engraving, Komatsu has enlarged her ways of expression to acrylic paintings and even to Arita-porcelain in recent years. She has presented various works adopted themes such as death and the Gods who preside over it, holy beasts, Mononoke (supernatural beings) with strong embodiment of her performance.
In 2017, her solo exhibition at Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho recorded approximately 30,000 visitors. Over 1,000 people joined the queue and waited for more than three hours to enter the opening reception of her solo show in Taipei in December. The artist was awarded the Young Artist of the Year at the Tian Gala 2017 which was held in Beijing in January 2018.

1984年出生於日本長野縣。就讀於女子美術短期大學時,開始學習銅版畫。20歲時所創作的「四十九日」,因傑出的技巧與個性得到廣大讚賞,從此踏上藝術家之路,以優越且充滿力量的表現力,發表以掌控死亡的眾神、神獸、怪獸等為主題的作品。連續在出生地的長野縣「鐵的展示館」、「北野美術館」、「上田市立美術館」舉辦個展,2014年獻納作品給出雲大社,使自己的創作主題更加昇華。同年,與石原和幸(園藝設計師)跨界合作,在「切爾西花展(Chelsea Flower Show)」(倫敦)上展出有田燒彩繪狛犬作品,獲得了金賞殊榮,2015年榮獲大英博物館收藏。2017年於東京花園露台紀尾井町舉辦個展,觀展人數達3萬人。同年受邀擔任電影「花戰」劇中繪畫,為電玩「特拉之戰2」創作守護獸,多方面活躍於國際上。2017年底至2018年初分別於白石畫廊台北空間與香港空間展開個展,創下畫廊排隊入場參觀的紀錄。


《四十九日》2005 Copper print on paper 69.0 × 105.0 cm

《深地の龍脈》2018 Acrylic on canvas 100.0 × 278.2 cm

《鍾乳洞に響く神獣達の地鳴りと、満月の日》2018年 Acrylic on canvas 162.1×130.3 cm


Sponsorship: General Incorporated Foundation Karuizawa New Art Museum


Nagano-prefecture, Nagano Prefectural Board of Education, Karuizawa-machi, The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, SHIN-ETSU Broadcasting Co., LTD, Nagano Broadcasting Systems, Inc. TV. Shinshu Broadcasting Co. LTD., Asahi Broadcasting Nagano Co., Ltd. Karuizawa, the Paper (ADAID, Inc.), KaruizawaNEWS, FM KARUIZAWA, Promotional Council for Karuizawa, International City of Arts and Culture.